CentOS 7
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oVirt 4.1 : Add Storage
Add Storage for saving data.
This example is based on the environment below.
                     | [ oVirt Management ] |
                                  +-----+    dlp.srv.world     |
+-----------------+               |     |                      |
|                 |     |     +----------------------+
| Client Computer |---------------+
|                 |               |     +----------------------+
+-----------------+               |     |    [ oVirt Node ]    |
                                  +-----+   node01.srv.world   |
                     |                      |

[1] Login to oVirt Admin Portal and move to [Storage] tab and click [New Domain].
[2] Input any name for [Name] field. For [Export Path], input the storage path that you add on oVirt admin server Settings.
[3] After adding, it is listed like follows.
[4] Next, select [ISO_DOMAIN] on the top pane and move to [Data Center] tab and click [Attach] button.
[5] Check a box on [Default] and click OK.
[6] Make sure the [ISO_DOMAIN] is [Active]. It's OK all.